Total Asset Value (TAV®) investment program offers a unique platform that attempts to combine, on a discretionary fee basis, four of Firefighters United Financial Services’ investment disciplines. These investment disciplines include:
1) Total Asset Market (TAM®);
2) Total Asset Fund (TAF®);
3) Market Value Securities (MVS®); and
4) Fixed Income Portfolio (FIP®).
Please Note: Total Asset Value (TAV®) is a diluted version of the above investment programs.
Total Asset Value ("TAV®") program is divided into two main investment disciplines: TAV® (a) Aggressive, and TAV® (ma) Moderately Aggressive. TAV® (a) Aggressive strives to achieve an asset allocation model which, in general, includes 25% investment weighting in Market Value Securities (MVS®), 35% investment weighting in Total Asset Fund (TAF®), and 40% investment weighting in Total Asset Market (TAM®). On the other hand, TAV® (ma) Moderately Aggressive strives to achieve an asset allocation model which, in general, includes 20% investment weighting in Market Value Securities (MVS®), 35% investment weighting in Total Asset Fund (TAF®) and 45% investment weighting in Total Asset Market (TAM®). Firefighters United Financial Services’ "Top Down" global value strategy determines its ongoing asset allocation weighting among its three underlining disciplines namely MVS, TAF and TAM in an attempt to achieve optimum risk reward performance results.
Total Asset Value ("TAV®") is also subdivided into the following four additional main categories which include Fixed Income Portfolio (FIP®):
(1) TAV® (a) Aggressive (FIP®) that strives to achieve an asset allocation model which, in general, includes 17% investment weighting in Market Value Securities (MVS®), 25% investment weighting in Total Asset Fund (TAF®), 28% investment weighting in Total Asset Market (TAM®), and 30% investment weighting in Fixed Income Portfolio (FIP®).
(2) TAV® (ma) Moderately Aggressive (FIP®) that strives to achieve an asset allocation model which, in general, includes 13% investment weighting in Market Value Securities (MVS®), 20% investment weighting in Total Asset Fund (TAF), 27% investment weighting in Total Asset Market (TAM®), and 40% investment weighting in Fixed Income Portfolio (FIP®).
(3) TAV® (FIP®) that strives to achieve an asset allocation model which, in general, includes 30% investment weighting in either Market Value Securities (MVS®), Total Asset Fund (TAF®) or Total Asset Market (TAM®), and 70% investment weighting in Fixed Income Portfolio (FIP®). As with the previous two main Total Asset Value ("TAV®") programs, Firefighters United Financial Services’ "Top Down" global value strategy determines its ongoing asset allocation weighting among its four underlining disciplines namely MVS, TAF, TAM, and FIP in an attempt to achieve an optimum risk reward performance results.
(4) TAV® (FIP®) International, in general, utilizes alternative investments to U.S. domestic mutual funds. This program, designed for mostly foreign investors, includes the following three asset allocation models: a.) Total Asset Fund (TAF®), b.) Market Value Securities (MVS®), and c.) Fixed Income Portfolio (FIP®). The program disciplines include the following three sub categories: 1) TAV® (FIP®) International Portfolio that, in general, strives to achieve an asset allocation model of 55% investment weighting in Fixed Income Portfolio (FIP®), 15% investment weighting in Market Value Securities (MVS®), and 30% investment weighting in Total Asset Fund (TAF®), 2) TAV® (a) Aggressive (FIP®) International Portfolio that, in general, strives to achieve an asset allocation model of 40% investment weighting in Fixed Income Portfolio, 25% investment weighting in Market Value Securities (MVS®), and 35% investment weighting in Total Asset Fund (TAF®), and 3) TAV® (ma) Moderately Aggressive (FIP®) International Portfolio that, in general, strives to achieve an asset allocation model of 45% investment weighing in Fixed Income Portfolio (FIP®), 35% investment weighting in Market Value Securities (MVS®), and 20% investment weighting in Total Asset Fund (TAF®). As with the previous TAV programs, Firefighters United Financial Services’ “Top Down” global value strategy determines its ongoing asset allocation weighting among its underlining disciplines and asset classes. The investment process is gradual, fundamental in nature, and occasionally, technically driven. Implementing, fundamental and technical analysis to uncover oversold market conditions can lead to excessive cash balances in the interim.