
Open-end/ Closed-end Indenture

In an Open-end indenture, new issuance of bonds are permitted only when a test has determined existence of sufficient revenues for debt service coverage on new and existing municipal bonds. On the other hand, in a closed-end indenture, issuing more bonds with an equal priority lien on earnings is prohibited unless a closed-end provision exists. With a closed-end provision, issuance of additional bonds is subordinated to the original issue.

Sinking Fund

An indenture can have a sinking fund provision to call a portion of an outstanding debt. A sinking fund requires an issuer to place funds into a separate escrow account, and then use these funds to pay off debt as it comes due. A bond resolution indicates the call features of a bond issue. In addition, the books and records covenant requires outside audit of financial records and reports.

For complete and updated information about our Investment programs and services, please refer to the Firm ADV Part 2A - Firm Brochure: