
Sample Portfolio Analysis


Discounted Price Appreciation

Portfolio’s Price Appreciation to face value in average duration time of 7.55 years:
$ 1,850,000 (portfolio’s face value to average maturity) - $1,739,169 (portfolio’s cost basis) = $110,831.

Cumulative Current Income

Portfolio’s Cumulative Current Income in average duration time of 7.55 years:
7.55 years x $ 84,461.25 (annual current income exempt from Federal and State taxes) = $ 637,682.

Portfolio’s Total Return

Portfolio’s Total Return in average duration time of 7.55 years:
$ 110,831 (discounted price appreciation) + $637,682 (cumulative current income exempt from Federal and State taxes) = $ 748,513. (Total cumulative return 43%.)

(The formula does not account for compounded reinvestment rates.)

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